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Thursday, January 17, 2013

"Curveball, The Year I Lost My Grip" by Jordan Sonnenblick

What I must say about this book so far is..
Pete. What a mess he's gotten himself into, what with dealing with his newly-found baseball injury. I think that he thinks too much about what could go wrong in his life instead of what could go right. Like with his partner in photography class, Angelika. When Peter thinks about what his possible future could be like with her, all he seems to think about is what a total "moron" he is, and how this could just completely rip his life to shreds.
 Then, with his best friend, AJ, Pete never told him about the fact that he actually can't ever play any kind of sport again. But of course, telling AJ the truth could ruin their friendship, and Pete wouldn't be able to bear it. After all, he already bawled his eyes out right in front of Angelika, just from holding a baseball.
 So overall, I;ve noticed that Peter is extremely self-concious about all of his features, both physical and personality-wise. Coming up in the book, I would predict that something happens with his grandfather, who he cares a lot for. I think that this could bring out a different quality in Peter, or he could tell the truth to everybody, which would bring out a different quality as well. Either way, I know that something strange is going on with his grandfather, mainly because of Pete freaking out over it. Now, he may not seem like the most positive person in the world, but when he does over-think the negative, he doesn't exaggerate.


  1. wow, interesting, sounds like a good book. Great description, it sounds like you haven't gotten very far into the book but it is amazing how much stuff you can describe.
    Is it as good as Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie? I see it's by the same author. :)

  2. This is a very interesting blog. I love how you predicted something, and i can't wait to read it and find out what actually happens. I like how you can tell a lot about a character by reading about another.Good Job
